Once in the room and in my hospital uniform they started plugging me in and pumping me up. They also had to shave my happy trail that I had put a good 15 years into growing. Once the IV was in and family had come back to see me she gave me my last pump of meds witch was something to relax me and reduce nausea. The nurses couldn't of been nicer and they were funny.
The time had come. I was wheeled into the surgery room. It was every bit of want I thought it would be. Half torture chamber, half technological advanced organ removal room. Everyone in masks, 2 big huge lights over a small, thin, flat, possibly metal table bed covers in a white sheet. They rolled me over beside it and I slid onto the flat surface under the big lights, operation organ removal commence!
The nurses in there were also very nice. One was telling me about her experience eating some Krystals and having a horrible pains much like mine. She had hers removed and never felt those pains again, thinks are looking good! A second nurse came over after looking at some papers and told me the other nurse hadn't given me enough of that drug she had given me last, the relaxing anti-nausea one. Well, that was it, last thing I remember.
My eyes slowly rose to see a nurse beside my table and that I was in a different room, Defiantly not the techno torture chamber. "Hey, there you are," said the nurse. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine, is that it? Is is over? Can you turn the lights down?" I responded. "Yup, you are all done. You feel fine?" "Yes I"m fine, can you turn the lights down?" "I can't turn the lights down but let's move you into recovery," she said. We arrive to my sheets for walls recovery room and again, "Can you kill the lights?" "Sure," she responses. "Awesome," I respond.
Mary and my folks join me as I come around. The recovery room nurse enters asking me how a feel and tells me I had to make it to the bathroom and use it before I can be released. She also asks if I could get down some crackers. "I feel fine and crackers shouldn't be a probably." She asks if I'd like a drink. I say Sprite she says how about Serra Mist and I say ok Sprite is good, she laughs. She was gone for about 15 seconds before I got it, oops.
I relaxed for a while had a few visitors, and head to the bathroom. Everything went well and things seemed to all work as they should. I changed clothes, jumped into a wheel chair and headed to the car.
We stopped at Walgreens for recovery food, aka saltines and sprite. Once home I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Mary and I watched tv all day and relaxed. My stomach area hurt a tad but I actually expected more.
Here is the aftermath
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