Sunday, April 17, 2011


Welp, my first year in the the 30s is over. It was a good year, had it's ups and downs (definitely started with a down). I don't feel old and I have no problem with the number attached. I have realized I need to do something about my health as I have been feeling weakish and down lately. I think it has everything to do with my eating habits and lack of exercise. The bad thing is I do realize these things yet I do nothing about it. By the time I get home from work the last thing I want to do is workout and eat a salad.

I'm hoping for a change in work schedule soon which will allow me more time in the mornings to get my workout done. I have found if I workout in the morning I tend to treat myself better throughout the day.

Otherwise I feel good at this point in my life and I look forward to enjoying another 31 years!

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