Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Power outage...

Yesterday the wind was kicking as the dark clouds rolled in. The power went out around 5:30. Right in the middle of me working! It flickered on and off a few times but then went out for good! Firetrucks were buzzing around but nothing seem to be on the lines around here. The rain start but only kept it up for about 15 minutes or so. Mary got home and instantly started worrying about the food in the fridge, hehe silly girl. Well we took a walk to the mailbox with Silas and some of our neighbors were out and Silas ran up to them so we had a nice little talk. Later around 7:30 or so (power still out) Kristen came over and we went to Elidios. On return we stopped and ask the neighbors if they heard anything, "40,000 people without power and 36-48 hours before we get it back!" Well we decided to go on a walk and Micheal joined us. After the walk a KUB man showed up looking around at the poles. He drove past us but turned around and came back. Micheal polity asked him if he wanted a beer, haha. He told us what was going on in not so layman's terms. But the gist was we were in the middle a down lines and our underground transformer was out. Luckily a crew from Kentucky that had never been to Knoxville was on the job! But the KUB man informed us that is could be on in less than a few hours. He was right! Came back on at 10:30ish.

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