Thursday, July 30, 2009

Flooding at the condo...once again!

This is a recurring problem, the first time, and the issue has not been resolved as of yet, but not for the lack of trying. Of course I thought it would be a pain to have remedied and the builders can't do anything for liability reasons. All they can do it point us in the right directions, which they have and have been very helpful. The HOA is willing and ready to pay but the problem is getting the workers on the job. The landscaper was on the ball, I already have a proposal and the HOA has already agreed to it. The gutter guy is the hold up and he has to come in first. I called him and nothing for a week. Called again, he answers says he's been out of town and will head right over and double check everything (he'd already been once with the builders). That was last Wednesday or so and I still haven't heard from him. Left him another message on Tuesday also. Guess this dude takes multiple, spontaneous vacations or something. After today's events I am going to call Ron (the builder) and get a new reference for a gutter guy that cares and does what he says.

On to today...Around 4:45pm is starts raining, eventually pouring. I go to check the french drain and it's already overflowing. Notice the gutter on the left too.
Well I continued to take pictures while thinking, "I really hope this quits!" Well...imagine that! I didn't.
It was really coming down and REALLY building up in the our "backyard."
Welp now it's reaching the house, time to do something (voice in the back of my mind saying, "You really really shouldn't have to do this, not only should it of been fixed last week had the gutter guy done what he told me, I really shouldn't have to worry about it at all!"). I really didn't want to have to deal with the "drying process" that comes with flooding! So time to step in.
I grabbed my car wash bucket and spent about 15 minutes in knee deep, pouring rain doing all I could (with small breaks, water is heavy) to keep water flowing instead of building up and finding its way into the house. About 3-4 minutes before the rain stopped I had the flooding down and water was not touching the outer wall of the bedroom.

Here is me nice and drenched head to toe soon after it quit.
The pattern in the grass after all the bucketing!
As of now the inside of the bedroom is not wet, and I feel had I not put in that effort we'd be dealing with wet carpet and sleeping the guest room.

I plan to have EVERYTHING cleared up tomorrow and work to fix this in progress by next week!

grrrr...I need a drink!

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