Woke up at 5am to meet up with Keith and Jason to head to Clif's house at 5:45. We met up with everyone at Starbucks and headed to Starburst. Starburst is a white water raffling company, one Clif, Tim, Paul and I used about 4 or 5 years ago. There were 15 of us, so 5 to a boat, 3 boats. Clif, Keith, Jason, Paul and I were grouped up. Jason and Keith had never been and Jason wasn't really feeling it.
We set off on a day that couldn't of been better. Our guide, Potts, a college chick, was just awesome. She handle our goofiness perfectly and was an excellent guide! It was 10x more fun than last time. She told us a lot about the river, did some surfing, some "let's drown the guys in the front" moves (Paul and I) and showed us an endangered plant.
It was a great time and we all had fun! All the boats lost at least one passenger except us and the "skins" boat all got tossed.
In the pic above see Paul falling and me grabbing him. Clif and Keith on row 2 and Jason with Potts in the back.
We decided to camp at Sunburst and half of us paid. Once we got back after a quick bite no one was there. We managed to get be the fence and to the campsite, which was more like a dirty, slopped, mosquito infested, no parking, annoying campground. We promptly left and drove just down the road and found a nice free spot. Apparently everyone else around decided the same spot would work. We shared the site with about 60 others.
We had a fun night of stories, drinking and clowning around. The pic above is about 7:45am. We has 6 tents, you can see the top of Clif's (red) and Payne's is next to his out of the frame.
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