Friday, September 17, 2010

iPhone 4 done...

Early early am, after my alarm goes off I notice a slight film of water surrounding my phone. Condensation from a cup of water on my bedside table had found my way to it. All morning I was getting the "Accessory is not optimized for the iPhone" warning without it being plugged in. Finally is randomly stopped. Once home I went to back it up just in case. Nothing. The computer did recognize it nah did the iPhone know it was plugged in.

I was planned to pick up and transport Mary and crew for a bachelorette party at 9:30. So I decided to got the Apple store and see whats up. I also wanted to buy a new Nano. Once there they fit me in and I bought the Nano. Thing looked awesome and came in a super small package. The Mac genius takes a look at my dock connector and says, "Yeah I thought so, have a look." Hands me a magnified light to check out the connector. Corrosion, and it's all over it. Also the moisture indicator was slightly turned.

Outside of warranty and easily replaced for $199. There is no way to recovery data I was told, so at least 600 images are lost, the panic sets in. I went and got my computer and sat at a table in the apple store looking for ways to move images. Found a few but it only transferred one at a time. That and emailing just aren't going to work.

After spending time at Apple and Starbucks it was time to pick up the girls. After dropping off 6 chicks downtown I headed home in the diamante leaving the S for Mary to drive at Alicia's. I get to Cate Rd and the passanger side front tire just goes completely flat. It's after 10:30 when I get home. I hadn't had dinner, freaking about my phone and had to put on the spare. Had dinner, researched the phone, changed the tire, picked for the bachelor party and got in bed at 1:45am with the alarm set for 5am.

In my research I found out I could order an OEM dock connector on ebay and replace it myself. So it's on order and I also ordered all the necessary tools for disassembly.

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