Thursday, October 27, 2011

It has arrived!

This is the last official picture taken with my iPhone 4.

Nice day for me today! Went to Nama for lunch, headed home after lunch to wait for my packages. Only shady moment of the day was that as I approached our road the FedEx dude was driving by. I thought, "Damn it! I missed it." Assuming I had to sign for it. Then the question arose. Should I be that nutty guy that follows the FedEx dude to get a item that just can't wait (even though I had been for 3 weeks)? Well I decided against it. Pulled into the driveway and BAM! There she was sitting at the front door, my brand new iPhone 4S!

I also had a package coming UPS the same day. I thought it'd be funny for them both to show up at the same time and pull an old western style shooting out to get me my package first. But alias, they were about 2 hours apart.

I also had a delivery from USPS, the trifecta!

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