Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Movie night

Ben, Travis and I meet up to see Red downtown. We did our usual thing. Beers and shots are Downtown Grill first, 40 minutes before the movie. I hadn't eaten all day so Travis and I ordered some food, Dave's (the bestest pasta ever!) pasta, 30 minutes. They brought out the wrong pasta, Dan's, so it went back, 15 minutes. 5 minutes before we are chowing down on the piping hot deliciousness. Down the beers and off we go.

We get the normal awesome seats at the rail after missing maybe one preview. 30 minutes in I have to use the bathroom as does Ben, plus I had just received a call from Mark at Fastech confirming my car was done and a final pricetag, whoa!

It began clear that I had drunk to much and the movie wasn't grabbing me. The first portion was entertaining but the middle trailed off and became boring. Maybe it was just me? Maybe the beer? Maybe the movie? Not sure which but I think a second viewing is in order. Ben and Travis later confirmed the movie wasn't all that in their opinions either.

After Ben and I headed to Latitude 35 for some beers and baseball. Phils played the Giants, game 4 in San Fran. Sore subject: Phils lost a horrible game in which they should of won. Lost on a sacrifice fly too, lame!

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