Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New window!



Safelite couldn't do the replacement at the house so I had to come to them. They are super nice there but failed to mention one small thing. That after the 2-3 hours of waiting time that it would be an additional hour of wait time before it could be driven. But the nice lady, Donna, at the front desk knocked 50 bucks off the total which was really nice.

So I'm pacing outside and a man that earlier asked me if I'd like a better place it sit (had my computer in my lap) and if I'd like a drink comes up to me and asks if I'd like a ride to somewhere for lunch. He was heading to Turkey Creek. I had been there since 8:30am and it was 15 after 12. I said no thanks but I really appreciated it. He asked me about the car some and I started talking to him about the company. He ended up showing me around, the training area, the warehouse. It's just as you would picture it. A huge warehouse with aisles and aisles of windows floor to ceiling. Mary's car has a crack and I told him I'd probably be back to replace it. He said well, "We are doing this training seminar and I'll give you a huge discount if we can use her car." I said well sure that'd be great! He also mentioned they used the S with the class to demonstrate how to install a window so one of the better window installers in the region did the job. So I'm just waiting for a call with a price and time. Thought that was pretty cool.

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