Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beth's birthday!

Went to Brazeiros tonight for Beth's birthday party. It's actually in the same parking lot as PF Chang's so I went to two bday parties within a week in almost the same location with completely different group of friends, pretty funny. We had reservations for 7:30 but didn't get our table until 8 due to there being 13 of us.

I had never been to Brazeiros and I was really looking forward to it. Brazeiros is an authentic Brazilian steakhouse from Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. In short it's a "the buffet comes to you style" restaurant. There isn't a really menu other then the wine list, so as soon as you are seated it's time to eat. the Salad bar was awesome, had everything you could want including a HUGE cheese selection. After salads they replace your plate with a clean one and the meat fest begins! See the little red circle card on my napkin in the pic? The other side is green, I bet you're a quick one and get the picture right? Green means bring on the meat and red means I'm taking a break. There are 12 different types of meats that are delivered and all 12 are delicious! Especially the house special sirloin which when we asked what it was we were told its the best part of the cow. Anyways it was great. I ate WAY too much and was completely stuffed until late afternoon the next day! Mary and I will definitely be going back and I highly recommend it!

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