My dad, being my best man, planned my bachelor party, which was to ride the karts are the VIR track in Danville, VA. Well it was the best bachelor party any man could ask for! All my friends, most of the guys in my family and soon to be family were there! 14 of us!
The karts and track were just awesome. The track had tons of elevation and turns. The day started out with us getting partners, we would share a car. We were in groups of 7 because they could only run 12 cars at a time and 2 on the track is boring. Clif and I got partnered and we pick the 88 car. Clif had the first run with Paul, Jim, Joey, Jason, Dave and Keith. Clif turned fastest lap and beat Paul in second by almost a second. My group geared up and head out. Dad, James C and H, Paul B, George, Michael and I were off. I managed to pass everyone at least once and some twice. :) Arriving back in the "pit" Clif high fived me and told me I best him by half a second!
Now it was qualifying time. Clif beat my time on his second lap and dropped that time down a tad by the end. We had realized that our car was just faster than the other cars, unfortunately. On my qualifying run I got within .07 of Clif but couldn't get any closer. Within 100ths of a second is pretty much the same time. :)
From there we went to the racing. We split into the 7 faster and 7 slower cars. We were to draw car numbers for the running order. It was obvious that who ever got car 88 was going to win, but sssssiiince it was my bachelor party they gave me 88. I smoked them of course. And now that it's after, wish I would of given the 88 to the slowest fastest person and taken a slower car to show my drivin' skills! :)
Either way it was a blast and went by WAY to fast. We are already talking about going back!
The whole weekend was great we never had to leave the track. The hotel and a nice restaurant were on site. Everything was also in walking distance. Dad did have to leave once and that was for a beer run.
Both nights we sat out on porch, talked/caught up, drank and smoked cigars. On Saturday after the races we hung out and watched the Kentucky derby and the Phillies game. We had each on in different rooms and were going back and forth....haha.
Also the guys paid for all my snacks and things on the road trip. I ended up not spending a dime, pretty crazy.
Welp, I really had a great time and it really made my trip that everyone came.
List of the guys and help identifying them on their kart:
Jim H black helmet/red black silver helmet - light orange shirt
James H black helmet - white shirt
Michael H silver helmet - grey shirt
Joey H blue helmet - dark red shirt
Keith crazy helmet yellows/blues - grey shirt - red shoes
Clif black helmet - black shirt
James C black helmet - white shirt - black gloves
Paul P black helmet - dark blue shirt
Paul B white helmet - blue shirt
Jason green/black helmet - red shirt
Dave red helmet - dark blue shirt
Charley green/black helmet - red shirt
George white helmet - grey shirt
Me crazy gold helmet - grey shirt
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