Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Michael uses another one of his 9 lives...

Last night Mary and I had just finished cleaning up the house and were about to hit the bed when my phone hang. It was Michael and in a very calm, not him at all voice, "Hey man, can I talk to Mary?" I could instantly tell something was wrong. I handed over the phone and stay in the room. By the conversation I knew something happened. Mary said, "We'll be right there." She hung up and said, "Michael was in a wreck, got t-boned at Krogers on Middlebrook and can't get out of the car and can't feel his legs." We scrambled to get on the road ASAP and headed towards Krogers. James got there first and said he was calm and not complaining to much about the pain.

We turned onto Middlebrook and James calls saying he is in the ambulance and on his way to UT medical. We called Donna and swung by to pick her up. She had just backed over the neighbors mailbox in a hurry to get to him, oops.

So we jump on the interstate and just so happen to get on right beside the ambulance Michael was in. They didn't have the lights on and weren't driving all crazy through traffic. We followed them all the way there and the Sparadlin's were right behind us. Justin was filling us in on more details. Said the guy that hit him was so drunk he could barely walk and was arrested on the spot. He was driving home (east) on middlebrook when this drunk idiot ran the red light from the Krogers centercenter, crossing over to center bluff, and t-boned him. Justin said it took all he had to not drag the guy out of the cop car and give him a piece of his mind.

Once they got him settled in the ER they allowed Joey and Donna back to see him. Joey text me saying he was talking and seemed ok. Joey came out and Mary went back, she came back and lost it, just started balling. Michael was very worried about his leg and got teary eyed when he saw Mary. He couldn't move or feel his left leg. He was taken up for x-rays and we were all awaiting the news. By this time there was at least 20 of us waiting.

We were are chit chatting when the ER doors opened and out comes Michael, with a slight limp. We were all shocked! He says, "Alright I'm ready to go home!" We all laughed and were all extremely happy to see him in that good of shape. He was covered in cuts from glass and bandages but visually looked like his old self.

This is his second wreak in bascially the same spot on Middlebrook. Either his fault and both sent him to the same ER which he walked out of a few hours later.

Here is poor Blue Thunder
As you can see he was hit pretty hard and even the 14 year old air bag worked!

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